Toyo Tires Delivering Customer Satisfaction Through Its Dealer Network

on August 16, 2021

| 5 minutes read

Toyo Tires Delivering Customer Satisfaction Through Its Dealer Network


It is all about the customers

Business in the 21st century remains as challenging as it was back then in the previous centuries. For a successful business to survive and thrive, every factor counts and one cannot be substituted or backup for the other to make the equation a success.

One particular factor that without it there will not be any business to begin with. Yes, you guessed it right. It is CUSTOMERS with a capital C! As the saying goes, you ain’t in business without customers. Having customers is important and maintaining them is utmost crucial in the long run. To keep them happy and keep them coming back, businesses around the globe have come up with numerous and continuous marketing gimmicks and strategies just to achieve that. Yes, it is customer satisfaction.

Toyo Tires has always place customer satisfaction as its priority. From its products, pricing strategy, marketing activities and distribution, all are geared towards achieving customer satisfaction. Of these 4 important elements of marketing, Toyo Tires has invested heavily to make it a success of what it is today to reflect its commitment towards customer satisfaction is its dealer network.

Toyo Tires dealer network in Malaysia is known as Toyo Premium Auto Centre and Toyo Auto Centre. Toyo understands its dealer network is crucial in providing physical engagement with its customers where they can visit, view, touch and interact with the brand in the most effective ways.

Impressive Network

Since its inception back in 2013, Toyo Tires has been actively expanding its dealership to cover as many states and major towns throughout Malaysia to serve its customers. With the current dealers network which is a very impressive feat for Toyo given the short period of time in the local tyre market scene, Toyo Premium Auto Centre and Toyo Auto Centre can be found in most of the major cities and towns both in the Peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak.

Modern and contemporary design

Before its maiden outlet was launched, a lot of work and thoughts were put into getting the design of the outlet right. The objective was to look modern and contemporary and break away from the old school dirty and cluttered tyre shop of yesteryears. Every Toyo Premium Auto Centre and Toyo Auto Centre carries a similar look, branding and ambience to keep consistency and strong branding throughout.

Toyo wants it customers to feel relaxed and impressed right from the moment they step into one. Both types of centres are trying to make their customers feel at home, that is to feel comfortable while their vehicles are being attended to. The waiting lounge is equipped with TV monitor, magazines, tyre displays and some even games just to keep the customers entertained and break boredom. For customers who need to work while waiting, WIFI services are available, power sockets coupled with comfortable tables and chairs too are provided.

To further accentuate branding consistency, the signages, counter design, posters, interior ambient and all the marketing communications materials are obviously carrying Toyo Tires branding properties. 

Perfecting the human touch

To achieve total customer satisfaction, perfecting the hardware is not enough. The soft skills are by no means any less important. To deliver a wholesome customer satisfaction package to its customers, all the personnel are well trained to carry their roles with full professionalism and efficacy. From the front desk receptionist, salesman, technician to mechanics, all of them have gone through their respective training provided by Toyo to ensure they know their job scope and execute them to pinpoint accuracy. Toyo Tires fully understands that these people are the important touch points for its customers to experience the Toyo brand that will eventually lead to customer satisfaction. So Toyo Tires will not risk and take a gamble on them because it only takes one bad experience dealing with people to put everything in jeopardy.

Full range of service

Doing more and go beyond the boundaries for your customers do put you in a driving seat in today’s business world where demanding customers are harder to please. Although Toyo Tires main business is in tyre making, its dealership do provides complimenting automotive services such as vehicle scheduled servicing, vehicle diagnostic repairs and battery maintenance. It is a one-stop service centre to provide a total solution to its customers beside tyre service.

It is a tireless and ever changing endeavour that Toyo Tires has to embark on in order to achieve customer satisfaction and Toyo dealer network will continue to play an important role. While Toyo Tires is perfecting and addressing every factor that it can control, there are many other external factors such as market competition, ever changing customer purchase behaviour, buying pattern and etc. Toyo will make customer satisfaction remains as its long term goal to propel the brand to greater heights.

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